Google Scholar Workshop

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 A little over a month ago I attended a Google Scholar workshop on what it is and how to create your profile. It was an eye-opening experience, mostly because it made me aware that I have absolutely nothing available to go on my profile! I’m still pretty young and new in the academia scene, so that’s not surprising.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 What I learned is that Google Scholar is an algorithm-based scholarly journal. It’s free to use and available to anyone who wants it. It exists in opposition to databases like Scopus or Web of Science. Those are all human-curated. There are some problems with having it based on algorithms – it can be inaccurate and searching for articles can be tedious.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 The workshop helped us through building our own profiles. It was here that I realized I have absolutely nothing available. To be honest, I’d be surprised if any of my random papers that I wrote as an undergrad a few years ago were on there. However, an older professor was there, built his profile, and actually saw a bunch of his articles for over a few decades. So it does work!

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 It’s a good tool for keeping track of your own scholarly articles, or for following other scholars in your field. For some of us, it won’t be that useful yet, but it’s never too early to start.

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    Encouraging students think about the impact advancements in digital technology have on the future of scholarship from the moment they enter the Graduate Center, the Digital Praxis Seminar is a year-long sequence of two three-credit courses that familiarize students with a variety of digital tools and methods through lectures offered by high-profile scholars and technologists, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects. Students enrolled in the two-course sequence will complete their first year at the GC having been introduced to a broad range of ways to critically evaluate and incorporate digital technologies in their academic research and teaching. In addition, they will have explored a particular area of digital scholarship and/or pedagogy of interest to them, produced a digital project in collaboration with fellow students, and established a digital portfolio that can be used to display their work. The two connected three-credit courses will be offered during the Fall and Spring semesters as MALS classes for master’s students and Interdisciplinary Studies courses for doctoral students.

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