end/line Weekly Diary: 19 March

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 After multiple weeks of communicating the project’s purpose, organizing the makeup of our team, and establishing concrete deadlines, it’s time to show our (early) work. During Wednesday class, it became clear that I had few different—though equally important—threads of work to coordinate as project director and project manager.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 First, while we had already established a Twitter account, Commons blog, and had begun to encourage potential users to sign up as beta testers, we still needed to refine and standardize our outreach campaign. To that effect, Michael drafted some uniform copy explaining end/line to post across our platforms (endlineproject.org, Twitter, and our GitHub repository). We also decided to move our shared Commons blog onto endlineproject.org and rename it to “News.” Most importantly, we all agreed that, although we have two dedicated community management team members, outreach should be a communal responsibility and that we should all contribute items to this “News” section.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 Second, we had to deploy the site, and it needed, at least, a modicum of content and a more visually-striking design. Michael’s uniform copy helped out with this, as did the decision to transform the blog into the site’s “News” section. Greg also helped out by writing the site’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Meanwhile, I worked on revamping our logo to make the look and feel of our project a little less text-heavy—in fact, I wrote about this process in more detail. By the end of Sunday, we had the front- and back-ends configured and ready to deploy.

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 Third, thus far, we’ve had to put aside work on the key functional features of the site. Over the next week, we’ll need to turn our attention to building and testing our XML validation script and our two-encoding comparison display. We have established our database tables, however, and remain in decent shape with respect to both front- and back-end development.

5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 Fourth, and finally, we now have an external consultant, Kate Singer from Mount Holyoke. Her essay in The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy prompted much of the thinking that went into this project’s proposal.

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One Comment

  1. Posted July 5, 2017 at 6:19 am | Permalink

    your content is very good and useful matter for beauty

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