Marina Abramović interviewed by Manoush Zomorodi

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 This is not particularly related to our conversations, but likely of tangential interest to some of you.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Note to Self is a podcast that discusses the reticent, even uncomfortable, but necessary relationship we have with technology that is everywhere. I find the conversations there very relevant to our moment.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 The actual interview begins at 4:30. The most fascinating part to me was the discussion on privacy. Or, not so much privacy, but solitude, and the capability to tune in to ourselves. Anyway, I have nothing nearly as interesting to say, so you should listen if this sounds intriguing.

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0  

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    Encouraging students think about the impact advancements in digital technology have on the future of scholarship from the moment they enter the Graduate Center, the Digital Praxis Seminar is a year-long sequence of two three-credit courses that familiarize students with a variety of digital tools and methods through lectures offered by high-profile scholars and technologists, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects. Students enrolled in the two-course sequence will complete their first year at the GC having been introduced to a broad range of ways to critically evaluate and incorporate digital technologies in their academic research and teaching. In addition, they will have explored a particular area of digital scholarship and/or pedagogy of interest to them, produced a digital project in collaboration with fellow students, and established a digital portfolio that can be used to display their work. The two connected three-credit courses will be offered during the Fall and Spring semesters as MALS classes for master’s students and Interdisciplinary Studies courses for doctoral students.

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