¶ 1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 During the last class, we have been asked to focus on our data management plan, another fundamental step for the development of our digital project. Indeed, end/line is an app where users can upload poems in plain text, encode them following TEI Guidelines and finally compare their own encoding with other users. So, we will deal with plain text, TEI XML, and user information data, connected with what we directly produce through our Commons blog and our Twitter account.
¶ 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Instead, on the community management side – which is my direct field of competence – I am starting to build a group of testers who will test end/line and give us back their feedbacks. Last week, I wrote a post on our Commons blog explaining the approach to TEI we want to develop, offering our users the possibility to directly experience TEI by encoding. Both the post and my research for testers rely on the community of TEI people, and this is an extraordinary resource. TEI is indeed a consortium of people aiming to maintain a standard for the representation of texts in digital forms, and everybody is concerned about it: sunscribing to TEI listserv is a proof of the commitment of people, who propose changes in the code or in the attributes of TEI, ask help to other users about problems or difficulties they encountered, and propose collaboration to projects. For this reason, and after having asked Tom if this could be a good idea, I launched a call for participation in our testing through TEI Listserv.
¶ 3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 So far, the call reached a certain success: I received emails from people all around the world (Wisconsin, Madrid, Berlin, Oxford), interested to become end/line testers. I will probably send a reminder through TEI listserv during next week, to increase our testers.
¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 Biographical information:
¶ 5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 Iuri Moscardi, born in Italy, is now a PhD student in Comparative Literature (Italian specialization) at CUNY Graduate Center: his research is focused on contemporary Italian literature and Digital Humanities. He is a member of the end/line development team, where he serve as Community Manager in maintaining contacts with the wider TEI community.