end/line Weekly Diary: 26 March

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 While community management and development work has continued, per plan, on end/line, I’ve started to feel some anxieties about the reception and humanistic purpose of this project. First, as Iuri explains in his post on the subject, not only are there many TEI projects but there are also a fair amount committed to poetry and poetics. As the humanistic markup standard, TEI underlies many digital editions, such as British Women Romantic Poets, 1789–132 and the Emily Dickinson Archive. Obviously, end/line will not be a digital edition, but its reliance on TEI may cause some confusion (e.g. “We use TEI to build digital editions, why does end/line ask us to create accounts and compare encodings?”). Increasingly, however, projects like TAPAS aim to provide platforms for collaborative TEI work. How will end/line operate in this space? Reiterating the pedagogical purpose of end/line and its limited scope, then, seems like something I need to emphasize when working with the community management team.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Second, and relatedly, end/line, regardless of the form it assumes by the end of this semester, needs users. We can build it—and that involves a good deal of time and effort—but others will not necessarily come to use it. We’ve started to generate some interest from individuals in the TEI community, but we’ll need to attend to their concerns and needs as we begin beta testing in a few weeks. Does end/line promote or inhibit the pedagogies of markup, poetry and poetics, and their intersections? As Jojo explained to me, after class on Wednesday, TEI practitioners want more TEI practitioners. In fact, it’s necessary to have more in order to build digital editions and promote the collaborative interchange of texts. If this project allows professors to teach effectively the encoding of poetic texts, then it could fulfill this desire to have more students, humanists, and scholars capable of using markup standards to perform other work.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 During this Wednesday’s class, we’ll meet with Kate Singer of Mount Holyoke, and I’m hopeful that her background, teaching both TEI and poetry and poetics, will help us refine our thinking and our communication of that thinking in our scholarly outreach campaign. We’re building a prototype of a platform, now we need to understand, more fully, its humanistic import and how to encourage others to use it.

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