Revisiting the dataset – Roosevelt Store Ledger

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 As I continue to work with the Roosevelt store ledger, that I wrote about here, it seems that this object provides a number of avenues for research. The people listed in it, the famous and the unknown, nearly 1,000 in number, could each be investigated. Even a brief look into details of their lives, brings interesting and valuable data. I can imagine a large-scale research project, telling the stories of a number of the customers, that would weave a tale unlike that which a standard textbook or research paper could provide. While I have only started to think about what that might look like, a product like Neatline, an Omeka plugin, could provide a way to do it. But, to be truly effective, it would require a lot of research, and a lot of time.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 As a kind of sketch, or rough draft of an idea, I made this StoryMap, with just a few simple examples, but it gives an impression of what a larger, more complex version could be.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0

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