PressForward Posts

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Occasionally, there are timely and relevant posts, articles, talks, or other kinds of gray literature about digital humanities shared on the web that we may find that could be useful to the whole class. I encourage you to share content that you may find of interest to the class through our group site.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Rather than simply emailing everyone the link or copying and pasting the item into our own site (which erases all the metadata about the post), we have a plugin installed on the site called PressForward, which will help us to publish snippets of the post with some introductory framing / contextualizing information.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 PressForward,” the plugin that we’ll be using, creates a “news aggregator” in the WordPress dashboard. I have started to populate the reader by adding RSS / Atom feeds to the  “Add Feeds” section. You are also welcome to add feeds from sites that you think regularly post content that you think is relevant to the Praxis Seminar. You can either add the RSS feed or you can use the “Nominate This” bookmarklet (under Tools) to select single articles, webpages, sites… basically anything with a URL to add directly to our WordPress site by “Sending to Draft.”

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5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 If you’d like to share content, I suggest you take a brief look at the User Guide for PressForward. You do not need to “nominate” a post, but can send it directly to draft. When you’ve sent a post to “draft,” please do the following:

  1. 6 Leave a comment on paragraph 6 0
  2. Go to the top of the WordPress Dashboard and click on the “Screen Options” drop down window. Put a check next to the “Custom Fields” box.
  3. Write a brief paragraph to introduce your selection. Include your name, the reason  you thought the group would like the post, and why you were interested in it yourself.
  4. Provide just a snippet of the actual post itself (maybe 1-3 paragraphs depending on the length of the post), and then cut the rest out.
  5. Place “To keep reading, go to: ” and then add a link to the post. You can find the link to the post in the custom field information below your post draft next to the name “item_link”
  6. On the far right hand side, under Categories, select “PressForward.”
  7. Publish.

7 Leave a comment on paragraph 7 0 I look forward to seeing what everyone finds out there on the web to share with the group!

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  • Welcome to Digital Praxis 2016-2017

    Encouraging students think about the impact advancements in digital technology have on the future of scholarship from the moment they enter the Graduate Center, the Digital Praxis Seminar is a year-long sequence of two three-credit courses that familiarize students with a variety of digital tools and methods through lectures offered by high-profile scholars and technologists, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects. Students enrolled in the two-course sequence will complete their first year at the GC having been introduced to a broad range of ways to critically evaluate and incorporate digital technologies in their academic research and teaching. In addition, they will have explored a particular area of digital scholarship and/or pedagogy of interest to them, produced a digital project in collaboration with fellow students, and established a digital portfolio that can be used to display their work. The two connected three-credit courses will be offered during the Fall and Spring semesters as MALS classes for master’s students and Interdisciplinary Studies courses for doctoral students.

    The syllabus for the course can be found at

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