Category Archives: PressForward

Tableau Public Workshop | Lower East Side Librarian

My experience with Tableau Public (TP) may be colored by the fact that I am annoyed by its free-as-in-beer-for-some-people-and-not-at-all-free-as-in-speech status and the fact that you have to log in every step of the way. I dutifully created an account on my computer and downloaded the software, but when I tried to launch it, I got […]

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My week as editor for Digital Humanities Now

Being an editor for Digital Humanities Now has been very good, for me, to experience with digital tools and digital editing. Moreover, working on it during the Election Week – and its results – has been also a good way to forget (or, at least, try to forget) what has just happened (a lot of […]

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DH school data project data set | Lower East Side Librarian

Zine Content Comparison Introduction As the curator and cataloger of a zine library with holdings going back to the early 1990s I am sometimes asked to comment on how zines have changed over time. I read and catalog zines out of time, as they rise to the top of the processing queue, which makes it […]

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My Week as an Editor for DHNow | DigitalRelay

As an editor-at-large for DHNow, your job is to nominate content that will eventually be pushed by the system’s feeds. The system they use is extremely similar to dh+lib where PressForward allows the editors to both view and nominate the content that gets picked up by their submissions and subscribed feeds. First I want to […]

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My Week as a dh+lib Editor-at-Large | Lower East Side Librarian

I spent the last week as an editor-at-large on dh+lib: where the digital humanities and libraries meet.   To keep reading, go to: My Week as a dh+lib Editor-at-Large | Lower East Side Librarian

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Avid Reader: DH Praxis Class post | Lower East Side Librarian

Here’s a blog post about our discussion on social reading in last night’s class, with references to Gold, Liu, and Moretti, as well as a Pew Internet study. Avid Reader One of last week’s class discussion topics was reading, and reading is one of my favorite things, mostly to do. I hadn’t thought about thinking about […]

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Lexicon of DH 2016 | GC Digital Fellows

Across universities and conferences, even the LA Review of Books, the question seems to come up again and again: what is/are digital humanities? The understanding of what digital work in the humanities is remains in flux and with good reason — the tools and terms are in development, and development is part of the project […]

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People with Finger and Toes | Lower East Side Librarian

This post is about the readings for and class discussion on September 7, 2016. I’m calling this post “People with Fingers and Toes” because when I announced on Facebook that I was starting a program in digital humanities, and I inevitably got the “what does that mean?” question and didn’t have a great answer, one […]

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PressForward Posts

Occasionally, there are timely and relevant posts, articles, talks, or other kinds of gray literature about digital humanities shared on the web that we may find that could be useful to the whole class. I encourage you to share content that you may find of interest to the class through our group site. Rather than […]

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Syllabus for Teaching Digital Public History · Jason Heppler

Lisa’s note: The following piece is an introduction to Jason Heppler’s syllabus on Digital Public History. Since we’ll be looking at a number of digital history projects over the next 2 weeks, Heppler’s syllabus demonstrates one approach to teaching digital humanities and to digital pedagogy in an undergraduate context. Have a look and see what […]

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  • Archives

  • Welcome to Digital Praxis 2016-2017

    Encouraging students think about the impact advancements in digital technology have on the future of scholarship from the moment they enter the Graduate Center, the Digital Praxis Seminar is a year-long sequence of two three-credit courses that familiarize students with a variety of digital tools and methods through lectures offered by high-profile scholars and technologists, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects. Students enrolled in the two-course sequence will complete their first year at the GC having been introduced to a broad range of ways to critically evaluate and incorporate digital technologies in their academic research and teaching. In addition, they will have explored a particular area of digital scholarship and/or pedagogy of interest to them, produced a digital project in collaboration with fellow students, and established a digital portfolio that can be used to display their work. The two connected three-credit courses will be offered during the Fall and Spring semesters as MALS classes for master’s students and Interdisciplinary Studies courses for doctoral students.

    The syllabus for the course can be found at

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